Formulas | Description | Examples |
ASC | Syntax: ASC(string) Returns the ASCII value of a character or the first character in a string. string is the specified character to retrieve the AscII value for. If there is more than one character, the function will return the AscII value for the first character and ignore all of the characters after the first. |
=ASC("BOOK") =ASC(A1) |
CHAR | Syntax: CHAR(ascii_value) CHAR function returns the character based on the ASCII value. ascii_value is the ASCII value used to retrieve the character. |
=CHAR(33) |
CODE | Syntax: CODE(text) Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. |
=CODE("ABC") |
CONCATENATE | Syntax: CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ...) Combines several text strings into one string. Text_1, text_2, ... are text passages that are to be combined into one string. |
DOLLAR | Syntax: DOLLAR(number, [Decimals]) Convert a number to text using currency format with the decimals round to the specified place. |
=DOLLAR(A1, 2) =DOLLAR(1234.5671, -2) |
EXACT | Syntax: EXACT(text1, text2) This function compares two strings and returns TRUE if both values are the same. And it is case-sensitive. |
=EXACT(A1, 2) |
FIND | Syntax: FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) This function returns the location of a substring in a string. The search is case-sensitive. Find_text is the text you want to find. Within_text is the text containing the text you want to find. Start_num(Optional) Specifies the character at which to start the search. The first character in within_text is character number 1. If you omit start_num, it is assumed to be 1. |
=FIND("ec","ROUND Specuf") =FIND("M","Qiriam Mc Govern",2) |
FIXED | Syntax: FIXED(number, [decimal_places], [no_commas]) This function returns a text representation of a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.. |
=FIXED(A1, 1, TRUE) |
LEFT | Syntax: LEFT(text, number) Returns the first character or characters in a text string. Text is the text where the initial partial words are to be determined. Number (optional) is the number of characters for the start text. If this parameter is not defined, one character is returned. |
=LEFT(A1, 8) |
LEN | Syntax: LEN(text) Len function returns the length of the specified string. |
=LEN(A1) =LEN("text string") |
LOWER | Syntax: LOWER(text) This function converts all letters in the specified string to lowercase. If there are characters in the string that are not letters, they are unaffected by this function. |
=LOWER(A1) =LOWER("text string") |
MID | Syntax: MID(text, start_position, number_of_characters) This function extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position). |
=MID("text string",7,10) |
PROPER | Syntax: PROPER(text) This function sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase. If there are characters in the string that are not letters, they are unaffected by this function. |
=MID("text string",7,10) |
REPLACE | Syntax: REPLACE(text, start, number_of_chars, new_text) This function replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters. |
=REPLACE(A1, 3, 3, "ok") |
REPT | Syntax: REPT(text, number) Repeats a character string by the given number of copies. |
=REPT(A1, 3) |
RIGHT | Syntax: RIGHT(text, number) Defines the last character or characters in a text string. Text is the text of which the right part is to be determined. Number (optional) is the number of characters from the right part of the text. |
=RIGHT(A2, 1) =RIGHT(A2, 1) =RIGHT("Test String", 5) |
SUBSTITUTE | Syntax: SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [nth_appearance]) This function replaces a set of characters with another. Use SUBSTITUTE when you want to replace specific text in a text string. |
=SUBSTITUTE(A2, "Sales", "Cost") |
TEXT | Syntax: TEXT(value, format) Text function returns a value converted to text with a specified format. |
=TEXT(A1, "$0.00") |
TRIM | Syntax: TRIM(text) Returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed. |
= TRIM(A1) = TRIM(" apple ") |
VALUE | Syntax: VALUE(text) Converts a text string into a number. Text is the text to be converted to a number. |
=VALUE("100") = VALUE("-12345") |
UPPER | Syntax: UPPER(text) This function allows you to convert text to all uppercase. If there are characters in the string that are not letters, they are unaffected by this function. |
=UPPER(A1) =UPPER("test string") |